• Libro
  • Libro
    Edizione cartacea
    ISBN 9788882272579
    2008, 48 pp.
    € 6,00  € 5,70
    Aggiungi al carrello Aggiungi al carrello Aggiungi al carrello

We are simple Christians, God’s servants within the Church and who love the Church, but who are like all Christians: no privilege, only communion. Monasticism takes its place among the gifts and services present in the Church, in freedom of the Spirit, who inspires various vocations for building up the entire body of Christ. For the Churches we wish to be the sentinels who await and announce the dawn because they give witness by their celibacy and their common life that the true sun, Jesus Christ, is coming to gather together all God’s dispersed children.

(Homily at the first monastic professions in Bose, Easter 1973)


Comunità monastica di Bose
La Comunità monastica di Bose è una comunità cristiana formata da monaci e monache provenienti da chiese cristiane diverse, fondata da Enzo Bianchi nel 1965 e con sede a Bose, frazione del comune di Magnano, in provincia di Biella.