Patriciu Vlaicu

03 Patriciu Vlaicu 2Patriciu Vlaicu was born in 1970. He majored in theology at Babes Bolyai University, then obtained his PhD in Canon law at the University Paris Sud, at the “Institut Catholique” and at Babes Bolyai University. He is lecturer at Babes Bolyai University, coordinator of the Department for the continual formation of the Romanian dioceses in central and south Europe as well as of the Canonical and juridical department of the Orthodox centre “Dimitru Staniloae”. He is a member of the High council of the AIDOP (International agency for diplomacy and public opinion) and of the theological dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Roma Catholic Church.

Diákrisis and the Theological Principle of oikonomía


The life of the Church is marked by the manifestation of the divine economy in concrete ecclesial attitudes and actions. The Church Fathers show the link between divine and ecclesial economy, and they give us the key for the interpretation of this principle.
Since the eighteenth century, in the theological and canonical literature, the principle of the economy has been mentioned as an attitude of mercy concretely manifested by punctual exceptions to the norm. Can we talk about “economy” by referring only to the derogation in the sense of indulgence?
Relying upon canonical texts, we can understand that the principle of the economy expresses the good management of the totality of the means at the disposal of the Church, in the service of communion, pastoral care and mission. Ecclesial discernment helps us to manage the canonical economy in all its manifestations.