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The publication of the new "Psalter of Bose"

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576 pages - € 20,00
576 pages - € 20,00

A long and patient work of study, translation, and revision carried out over many years by the prior, assisted by other brothers and sisters of the community, has resulted at the end of February in the publication of the new Psalter of Bose. Entirely revised as to the translation and the antiphonary for the 150 Psalms and the 80 Biblical canticles (40 from the Old Testament and 40 from the New).


This work has involved the entire community, through advice and suggestions and above all through the adoption of the new translation of the daily liturgy of the hours first ad experimendum during January, during which the community, as every year, lived a period of retreat, then definitively from the beginning of March. All this then required changes and adaptations of tones and melodies, in a search for an ever greater adherence of music and rhythm to the Word sung and prayed.
Like the previous edition (1993), this Psalter in fact has been expressly conceived to be prayed, both in the liturgy of the hours in choir and in personal lectio divina, and, thanks to the rich apparatus of antiphons — which contains not only citations and references from the New Testament, but also variants from the ancient versions — it permits the Psalms to be read and prayed in the light of the New Testament and of the great Tradition of the Church.
In the same month of January, thanks to the collaboration and competence of maestro Franco Biglino and of technician Renato Campajola, we have finally carried out what we had been hoping to do for a long time, the recording of two new compact disks of liturgical music. The first, Vieni Spirito creatore, contains a second collection of hymns taken from the Innario di Bose, of our creation or chosen from the hymnal repertory of French monasticism. The second, Confessiamo la gloria di Dio, has some polyphonic chants of various types (troparia, Kyrie, Alleluia, hymns, Our Father, canticles, litanies of the saints, and doxologies) that we use on various occasions and at different moments of the liturgy, especially for the offices of Lent and of the major feasts during the year.