Local Church and universal Church

Affresco, XI cent. - AOSTA, Collegiata di Sant'Orso
Affresco, XI cent. - AOSTA, Collegiata di Sant'Orso

From the very beginning, despite the difficulties of the first years, we wanted our community to be rooted in a definite local Church and to live out its solicitude for all the Churches and for the unity of Christ’s disciples beginning with a real and concrete communion with that portion of the people of God in which we were placed and with the Churches that have generated us for Christ through baptism.

From the very beginning, despite the difficulties of the first years, we wanted our community to be rooted in a definite local Church and to live out its solicitude for all the Churches and for the unity of Christ’s disciples beginning with a real and concrete communion with that portion of the people of God in which we were placed and with the Churches that have generated us for Christ through baptism. In this spirit still today we welcome as gift the tie that unites us to the Biella diocese in which we are collocated and to its bishop Gabriele Mana, who never fails to be paternally close and to give us his blessing on the occasion of the monastic professions of our brothers and sisters. Thus it was also for the vigil of the Transfiguration of this year, when sr. Michela, br. Matteo, and br. Davide ratified definitively their alliance with God and with the brothers and sisters. The joy with which we welcome the visits of pastors of other dioceses and of other Churches is also a sign of a universal communion that spreads out from a particular reality. This year we had the joy of cardinal Roger Etchegeray’s stay with us, who spent a period of serene convalescence after an injury that compelled his to reduce his unwearying ministry in the service of peace and of dialogue. Claudio Gugerotti, apostolic nuncio in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan, was also able to live a few days of prayer and fraternal communion in Bose, after having done his best to alleviate the sufferings of the victims of the conflict between Russia and Georgia.