Press release II

This dimension of experienced spiritual life, where man finds his purpose in the transfiguration of everything, is also the distinctive trait of the renascence of Orthodox spirituality and of monasticism in particular (Serafim Belonožko, Christ Transfigured and Monastic Life in Ignatij Brian?aninov) in 19th century Russia, where the encounter of the rediscovery of the Fathers and of the existential quests of philosophers, artists and writers, offered the elements of a new synthesis between Christian tradition and the contradictory challenges of contemporary history (Sergij Hovorun, Seraphim of Sarov and Anthony the Great. Transfiguration of Eras, of Cultures, of Souls). But it is above all in the splendour of the mystery contemplated and celebrated in icons that the Eastern Church ceaselessly proclaims the beauty in store for the transfigured mankind and cosmos (Stamatis Skliris, The Light of the Transfiguration in Byzantine Iconography; Engelina Smirnova, Russian Iconography of the Transfiguration. Some Particularities).

The last day of the Conference features interventions by Bishop Irinej Boulovi? of Novi Sad, Professor Sergej Choružij, and archimandrite Iustin Marchis; it is dedicated to some major 20th century witnesses of the Transfiguration, who were able to cross the darkness of persecution and martyrdom, of the hate and violence which disfigure the face of mankind, without ever despairing and losing the light of Christ’s love: Serb bishop Nikolaj Velimirovi? (d. 1956), St Silouan the Athonite (d. 1938), Romanian theologian Dumitru St?niloae (d. 1993). Their testimony also leads to the Conference conclusions, which are introduced by the reflections of Bishop Kallistos of Diokleia on The Significance of the Transfiguration for the Modern World.