
Thank God for the gift of the Word and for the people who proclaim and explain it to you. Intercede for all your sisters and brothers as the text calls them to your mind, with all their virtues and failings. Try to unite being fed with the Word with your Eucharistic food.

Store up what you have seen, heard and tasted in lectio. Go over it in your heart and in your memory as you go along in the company of others, and seek humbly to share with them the peace and blessing you've received. You will also find a way to bring God's Word into social, political and professional situations; the daily reality of life.

God needs you as an instrument in the world to help create new heavens and a new earth - a future day which awaits you when, in dying, you will see God face to face. Then you will see how you have been and still are a living letter written by Christ, a lectio divina for your sisters and brothers, and how you really are the very Son of God.

Yours, Enzo

From: ENZO BIANCHI, Praying the Word, An Introduction to «Lectio Divina»,
Cistercian Publication, Kalamazoo 1998
, pp. 98-99.