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Community life

Longaretti, Christ's face
Longaretti, Christ's face
Longaretti, Christ's face
In an atmosphere of thanksgiving for the Lord’s gifts that fill our life, this year again we joyfully lived the feast of the Transfiguration, in which the community welcomed a new professed brother, Fabio Baggio, who at the end of his novitiate and period of discernment celebrated his definitive alliance with the Lord and our community, presenting his life as a Christian monk in the service of Christ in the Church and among men. In the vigil liturgy participated monks and nuns of other communities: the sisters of Cumiana, br Emanuele and br Bernardo from the Cistercian monastery of Pra’d Mill, br Luca and br Pino from the Benedictine monastery of Dumenza, m. Maria Pia from the Benedictine monastery of Civitella San Paolo, the Coptic monk fr Danyal, the Maronite religious br Rabiah, as well as numerous friends and guests.