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Community life

Christoph Theobald and Guido Dotti
Christoph Theobald and Guido Dotti
Cristoph Theobald e Guido Dotti
In May-June br Francesco spent a month in Besancon to study French, then in July he was in St-Amand-en-Puisaye (Burgundy) for a course of turning. In the same period br Matteo was again in China for forty days, visiting Christian communities and giving talks in seminaries in three different regions of China.

The presence among us in October of the Jesuit theologian fr Christoph Theobald was a great gift. He gave a talk for the guests on “ Vatican II — vision of the future and new questions” and had three meetings with the community on “Christianity as style”. Of German origin, but for many years living in France, where he teaches at the Faculty of theology of the Sèvres Center in Paris, fr Theobald is one of the most esteemed and acute contemporary Catholic theologians, who “unites the rigor proper to German theological reflection with the genius of French thought”, as br Enzo put it. Fr Theobald traced the main lines of the stylistic approach elaborated by him to Christian faith and tradition, an original contribution to contemporary theology, which tries to respond to the challenges inherited from the Council.